Saturday, 3 May 2008

Sweet Nothings!!

They sat, on a wooden bench,
At the park.
The dusk beginning to add the blush,
To her cheeks.
He held her gaze, in his,
Eyes jiving in deep,
An epic in itself, to share.

The wind puffed a tad too strong,
Her dark tresses gave a toss,
Swaying in the breeze.

She tried to hold them back,
Neatly into a bun.
He caught her arm, off the sudden-
"Let it be, it looks nice"
He whispered, still apprehensive.
Blushing beet,
She looked away,
As though watching the little kids play,
Smiling in sheer delight.

He wanted to hold her hand,
And speak his heart out.
He wished to capture the moment,
In his soul,
Yet longing for more.

The dusk settled itself, dark and cozy-
Inviting the love,
To dance itself, again.
She turned to look into his eyes,
Ever so coy, she smiled.

His heart gave a leap,
Jack hammering against himself.
Gently, he touched her hand,
Petal soft.
She pulled her hand away,
Giggling so very hard.
He smiled-
As though to himself-
Dainty damsel,
He uttered, in sheer delight.

Standing next to him,
She smiled,
And waved a sweet goodbye,
Her eyes sharing her promise,
To be back.
She murmured,
And, she walked away.

He sat there till the night turned shiny,
And the rains began to pour down-
And as realization dawned,
He held his walking stick out,
And walked on.

Turning back, to wave
Goodbye to the wooden bench,
He smiled.

"Your sweet nothings keep me alive..."

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