Hello Friends!
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Moved To Wordpress :)
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Who do I choose to be - Radha or Meera?

Wednesday, 9 June 2010
...love bites
Sunday, 9 May 2010

There, across the timeless space
She stood on her own,
Behind a veiled door.
Her eyes, tired
And her face, creased
With worry lines.
Her fingernails, dirty
And her arms had burnt marks
That failed to fade.
She had that forlorn look
That could find no reason,
And her soiled clothes
Though still neatly pressed.
Were drenched in sweat.
Across that flimsy veil,
She seemed miserable,
Ever so.
I wondered if I ought to go
Past the seamless space
And save her soul.
I had no armor, no shield
Yet, I knew I had to-
So delved headlong,
Across the silken barrier
To find her.
Looked around, but in vain.
I found her not.
Maybe too late, I hope not,
I whispered to myself,
With trembling syllables.
Just before I waded back
To the other end of living-
I saw her face.
Her eyes seemed tired,
Yet they twinkled
In joy, that caught my breath
To summersault.
Those crease lines aged her
ever so gracefully,
And never in ceaseless worry.
Her burnt skin smelled of milk
and butter,
Her finger nails were dipped
In colors of life.
I saw her peek a glimpse
Every half of a second
Into the dim-lit room
Right across the table.
I found her smile,
As though nothing could have
Been better, ever.
I walked in
To find out her secret joy-
For, in my eyes,
Nothing she had, could make
Me smile her smile.
And then I saw-
Across the timeless backdrop
A cherubic face, that shone.
Toothless, a smile
Broke away-
And my heart skipped a beat.
I turned back to her-
And I found her bask
In the aura of motherhood.
I drifted back to my world,
There was nothing I could say
Or be-
For she was everything -
She was a mother.
- (C) Sashu
09 May 2010
Saturday, 27 March 2010
Ugly Nudity
Sunday, 14 March 2010
An Ode To A Friend
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Of delving headlong
Into the hidden depths
Of you, and me-
Living through this state
Of entangled desires
Laced with molten dreams
The ripples grow, seamless,
Dissolving us,
Into a million-pixel portrait.
And the music ebbs away
Pulled under-
As though choking,
Into a breathless rapture.
And as we resurface once again,
Into the placid countenance
Of ourselves-
There seems no haste to chase
The glitter, or swoon to the melody.
Instead, we turn onto our own
Dipping away
Into the comfort of the self.
Yet, in all languor,
This lazy love sustains itself.
And there is nothing
I wish for-
Than, this complacency,
Of knowing-
This is forever to last.
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Lies an urn, of plastered mud
I hold my hands away
Reaching down
To feel the heat.
Plunging into pain has never been hard
For,the crippling childhood scar
Shielding from any molten hurt-
They spread all over
Fuming acidulous blisters.
And then as the cyanotic blues
Strangle me to breathlessness
I peep into the urn,
And I see a reflection of hope-
And I gasp, and choke.
Tart odorous fumes annihilate
The venom of its own kind,
And I resurface,
Swallowing a mouthful
Of air.
Living is often a debt-
Either to life, or to death.
...smile :)
As though barefoot,
Sunday, 10 January 2010
If Not For You...!
I Paint A Dream.
As The Symphony Flows Over
Like a brook,
My brush throws in
A myriad of fresh colours.
And Out Of Nowhere,
The reds and blacks and whites
Melt into a silhouette
Of You.
As I Watch Your Eyes Draw In
The music of my brush -
I gasp.
In Your Eyes I Find My Dream,
Dipped in hues I'd never known to exist.
If not for you,
My heart sings out aloud.
If Not For You...!