Wednesday, 13 June 2007

loving you today

loving you today
-so like a new dawn
full of pure freshness ever

loving you today
-so like a tender breeze
cooling me deep down

loving you today
-so like the brightest sunbeam
warming my fairest skin

loving you today
-so like a dream too dear
once lost,revived off the sudden

loving you today
-it feels so natural,so smooth
i feel it is forever meant to be

loving you today
-i try to erase the memories of yesterdays
hanging deep onto me,gripping me

loving you today
-i wish to hover above the memories lost
to open up myself to your world afresh

loving you today
-i wish to let you peep in, so deep
into my soul,no veils hiding me,so pure

loving you today
-i wish to let you dwell in me,my reveries
to skim through my past,my present

loving you today
-i long to kiss away the scars
to love you just the way you are

loving you today
-am glad,more than ever
to have found a love so dear

loving you today
-i've realised i can be loved the way i am
i've learnt to love myself,yet again

and,loving you today
-i've found the last piece of the jigsaw
i've rediscovered myself in your eyes

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