Sunday, 23 March 2008

Hidden fear

Sometimes I feel,
Life plays her tricks,
A magician, talented,
Pulling off miracles from her hat,
Deflecting from her path.

Often, I feel...

...the rain lashes on-
Downpours vaporous,
And the droplets dry up,
Just before it touches me-
And I stand;
My soul a parch land-
Thirsty, tired and lost,
Waiting for the one drop,
Yet, I feel deprived.

Often, I feel...

...the night closes on me,
Just when i have bloomed,
And the day has just begun.
And I remain,
Blind, in sheer darkness,
Trying to pull myself up,
Groping in the pitch black,
For some unknown light-
And, I burn my hands.

Sometimes turns to often,
And often gives way to every time.
Oblivious I may be, outward-
But, I fear...

...would it give way to forever?

Would it?


  1. I'm actually speechless, going through your blog. you have to try & get your work published someday.

  2. @edson

    thanks so much for ur kind words! am juz an amateur! maybe some day...! hehe :)




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