Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Unheard melodies...

Melodies unheard,
They fill my senses, today.

Dreamy eyes, open,
And the satin spreads, crumpled,

I stretch my limbs,
Welcoming, a bright new morn.

Opening the curtain binds,
I let, the fresh morning breeze, in.

I look out, into the open,
Ah! the lush green of the gardens.

Dewy mist, on the glass panes,
Cleansing me, off my worries, today.

Tring tring tring,
Rings my cell phone, so early.

"Good morning my love"
A tender note, to fill my soul.

Smiles so fresh, blooming,
A mug of hot cocoa, steaming.

Scribbling some little words,
I sit, smiling and pondering, alone.

Life seems so quiet, today,
Calm and refreshing, I feel so good.

Raindrops pour down, off the blue,
I lash the windows shut, away from the rains.

Then, I wonder, should I?
And, I run out, into the rains, in awe.

Basking in the showery delight,
I hear a new melody, unheard till date.

And I feel my soul laden,
With the fragrance of a new today.

A bright hue, a subtle hymn,
A new dream, to nurture and weave, today...

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