plop plop,
i heard the splash,the pebbles dropping
looking up,
i found you behind,so full of tender smiles
in your eyes,so coal black,ever twinkling
my hands,
beckoned you beside,yet i felt so coy
sitting across,
i could see the gentle lines of ageing
the sunbeams,
and you squint away,frowning as if in fury
a gentle touch,
your finger on my ring,commitment of decades
the pond,
so green and placid,the ripples vanishing
of you and me,our images so subtle,sombre
the crystal clear water in your palms
the pure water at my face,i felt so shy
fifty odd years,
and a family tree,all branched away,growing
still together,
i feel so blessed to be here once again today
no words,
no touch,just the mere feel of heartbeats
peals of music,
echoes reverbrating,notes of ages ago,yet distinct
of a lifetime,yet all i see is,you and me...
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